Thursday, December 11, 2008

Is She or Isn't She?

The older kids used to tell Deborah she was dead. I guess she believed them, because she would come to us, crying about it :)


Debs said...

That's it... that's all I get ... a short little blurp (heheh j/k)

YMGD Recipes said...

Remember when we used to tell her that we found her in the gutter, the garbage man left her there. She'd go crying to you, "Daddy, where did you get me?" you would say, "we found you in the gutter" HAHAHA then she would cry even more. Mom always got mad though. We were so mean.

YMGD Recipes said...

Deb...that should be "blurb"

Debs said...

yes yes... blurb is what I meant!!!

Debs said...
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