Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Stand-Up Comedian

When David was in about 2nd grade he was the class clown. Okay, he probably didn't stand up to do his routine or he would have gotten in more trouble. The first we heard of this was at some parent-teacher meeting when she told us she had restricted David's joke telling to certain times of the day.


DCY said...

I'm quite sure I did, in fact get in trouble for standing up a few times.

YMGD Recipes said...

That will so be Wyatt when he's that age. Say "afraid"!!!

motherof8 said...

At least Teacher allowed SOME joke telling and didn't squash him entirely.

Is he still the "class clown"? Does he still need to be told when to joke and when not do?

Hooray for individuality!

Pete said...

Now he's more of a prankster than a joke teller. As an example, he will take one of his sisters' cell phones when left unguarded and send a spurious message, usually something like "my butt itches". Luckily I can tell when a message doesn't sound like it came from the daughter :)

Pete said...

Oh by the way, Deborah is the usual target :)

Debs said...

yeah I am... hahahahaha... and I'm glad you can recognize it doesn't come from me :D

Pete said...

Of course the next question is... why are you always leaving your cell phone where David can get it? :)